
Pinehurst Today

Friday, December 27, 2024

Pinehurst hospital selected to pioneer in coronavirus experiments


FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital is conducting clinical treatment trials for coronavirus patients. | Adobe Stock

FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital is conducting clinical treatment trials for coronavirus patients. | Adobe Stock

The FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital was chosen by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to be the first to enroll a patient for a COVID-19 treatment clinical trial. 

A one-time, high-dose infusion of Remdesivir or placebo will be given to trial participants on Oct. 8, the first day of the five-day treatment, WRAL reported on Oct. 14. Regular follow-ups will be given to the patient for 28 days. 

The trial is similar to President Trump's treatment plan after his coronavirus diagnosis, WRAL reported. 

"The way that it's produced is a little bit different from what we're doing, but the general idea is the same," Pinehurst Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Gretchen Arnoczy told WRAL. "The general idea of giving a high dose of an antibody that is directed against COVID-19 that we know neutralized the virus. That's the same premise for both treatments."

By the end of this year, NIH scientists are hoping to gain results from the study, WRAL reported.